PeopleFormer Members

Former Members

Ai Shinobu

Senior scientist (Sep. 2018 – Jul. 2020)
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

Mao Odie

Special Postdoctoral Researcher (Apr. 2020 – Jan. 2024)

Weitong Ren

Postdoctoral Researcher (Apr. 2020 – Jan. 2024)

Koichi Tamura

Postdoctoral Researcher, Special Postdoctoral Researcher (Apr. 2016 – Apr. 2021)
RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Osamu Miyashita

Senior scientist (Jan. 2011 – Oct. 2019)
RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Yasuhiro Matsunaga

Postdoctral Researcher (Apr. 2008 – Mar. 2019)
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University

Motoshi Kamiya

Postdoctral Researcher (Apr. 2015 – Mar. 2018)
National Institutes of Natural Sciences Institute for Molecular Science

Ryuhei Harada

Postdoctral Researcher (Apr. 2011 – Mar. 2013)
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences Center of Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba Computational Biophysics Group

Raimondas Galvelis

Postdoctral Researcher (Oct. 2012 – Mar. 2014)
Theoretical Molecular Science Laboratory, RIKEN