上級研究員 宮下 治

1996年 | 京都大学 理学部 卒業 |
1998年 | 京都大学大学院 理学研究科 修士課程 修了 |
2000年 | 京都大学大学院 理学研究科 学位取得修了(博士(理学)) |
2000年 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員(京都大学) |
2000年 | Postdoctoral Scientist, University of California at San Diego |
2006年 | Research Assistant Professor, University of Arizona |
2007年 | Assistant Professor, University of Arizona |
2013年 | 理化学研究所計算化学研究機構 研究員 |
2013年 | 理化学研究所計算化学研究機構 上級研究員(現在に至る) |
- 計算構造生物学による生体超分子構造解析と創薬応用研究
- タンパク質の結晶
- Ahlstrom, L. S. & Miyashita, O. Packing Interface Energetics in Different Crystal Forms of the λ Cro Dimer. Proteins, in press.
- Ahlstrom, L. S., Baker, J. L., Ehrlich, K., Campbell, Z. T., Patel, S., Vorontsov, I. I., Tama, F. & Miyashita, O. Network visualization of conformational sampling during molecular dynamics simulation. J Mol Graph Model 46 140–149 (2013).
- Sarkar, D. D., Edwards, S. K., Mauser, J. A., Suarez, A. M., Serowoky, M. A., Hudok, N. L., Hudok, P. L., Nuñez, M., Weber, C. S., Lynch, R. M., Miyashita, O. & Tsao, T. S. Increased Redox-Sensitive Green Fluorescent Protein Reduction Potential in the Endoplasmic Reticulum following Glutathione-Mediated Dimerization. Biochemistry 52, 3332-3345 (2013).
- Ahlstrom, L. S. & Miyashita, O. Comparison of a Simulated λ Cro Dimer Conformational Ensemble to Its NMR Models. Int J Quantum Chem 113, 518–524 (2013).
- Ahlstrom, L. S. & Miyashita, O. Molecular Simulation Uncovers the Conformational Space and Dominant Forms of the λ Cro Dimer in Solution. Biophys J 101, 2516-24 (2011).
- Miyashita, O., Gorba, C. & Tama, F. Structure modeling from small angle X-ray scattering data with elastic network normal mode analysis. J Struct Biol 173, 451-460 (2011).
- Votontsov, I. I. & Miyashita, O. Crystal Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Speed Up MM/PB(GB)SA Evaluation of Binding Free Energies of Di-mannose Deoxy Analogs with P51G-m4-Cyanovirin-N. J Comput Chem 32, 1043-1053 (2011)
- Campbell, Z. T., Baldwin, T. O. & Miyashita, O. Analysis of the Bacterial Luciferase Mobile Loop by Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics. Biophys J 99, 4012-4019 (2010).
- Grubisic, I., Shokhirev, M. N., Orzechowski, M., Miyashita, O. & Tama, F. Biased coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation approach for flexible fitting of X-ray structure into cryo electron microscopy maps. J Struct Biol 169, 95-105 (2010).
- Vorontsov, I. I. & Miyashita, O. Solution and crystal molecular dynamics simulation study of m4-cyanovirin-N mutants complexed with di-mannose. Biophys J 97, 2532-2540 (2009).
- Gorba, C., Miyashita, O. & Tama, F. Normal-mode flexible fitting of high-resolution structure of biological molecules toward one-dimensional low-resolution data. Biophys J 94, 1589-1599 (2008).
- Whitford, P. C., Miyashita, O., Levy, Y. & Onuchic, J. N. Conformational transitions of adenylate kinase: switching by cracking. J Mol Biol 366, 1661-1671 (2007).
- Onuchic, J. N., Kobayashi, C., Miyashita, O., Jennings, P. & Baldridge, K. K. Exploring biomolecular machines: energy landscape control of biological reactions. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 361, 1439-1443 (2006).
- Miyashita, O., Okamura, M. Y. & Onuchic, J. N. Interprotein electron transfer from cytochrome c2 to photosynthetic reaction center: tunneling across an aqueous interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102, 3558-3563 (2005).
- Miyashita, O., Wolynes, P. G. & Onuchic, J. N. Simple energy landscape model for the kinetics of functional transitions in proteins. J Phys Chem B 109, 1959-1969 (2005).
- Wong, L., Lieser, S. A., Miyashita, O., Miller, M., Tasken, K., Onuchic, J. N., Adams, J. A., Woods, V. L. & Jennings, P. A. Coupled motions in the SH2 and kinase domains of Csk control Src phosphorylation. J Mol Biol 351, 131-143 (2005).
- Tama, F., Miyashita, O. & Brooks, C. L. Flexible multi-scale fitting of atomic structures into low-resolution electron density maps with elastic network normal mode analysis. J Mol Biol 337, 985-999 (2004).
- Tama, F., Miyashita, O. & Brooks, C. L. Normal mode based flexible fitting of high-resolution structure into low-resolution experimental data from cryo-EM. J Struct Biol 147, 315-326 (2004).
- Miyashita, O., Onuchic, J. N. & Okamura, M. Y. Transition state and encounter complex for fast association of cytochrome c2 with bacterial reaction center. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101, 16174-16179 (2004).
- Wong, L., Lieser, S., Chie-Leon, B., Miyashita, O., Aubol, B., Shaffer, J., Onuchic, J. N., Jennings, P. A., Woods, V. L. & Adams, J. A. Dynamic coupling between the SH2 domain and active site of the COOH terminal Src kinase, Csk. J Mol Biol 341, 93-106 (2004).
- Miyashita, O., Onuchic, J. N. & Okamura, M. Y. Continuum electrostatic model for the binding of cytochrome c(2) to the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biochemistry 42, 11651-11660 (2003).
- Miyashita, O., Okamura, M. Y. & Onuchic, J. N. Theoretical understanding of the interprotein electron transfer between cytochrome c(2) and the photosynthetic reaction center. J Phys Chem B 107, 1230-1241 (2003).
- Miyashita, O., Onuchic, J. N. & Wolynes, P. G. Nonlinear elasticity, proteinquakes, and the energy landscapes of functional transitions in proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 12570-12575 (2003).
- Moritsugu, K., Miyashita, O. & Kidera, A. Temperature dependence of vibrational energy transfer in a protein molecule. J Phys Chem B 107, 3309-3317 (2003).
- Miyashita, O., Axelrod, H. L. & Onuchic, J. N. Different scenarios for inter-protein electron tunneling: The effect of water-mediated pathways. J Biol Phys 28, 383-394 (2002).
- Tama, F., Miyashita, O., Kitao, A. & Go, N. Molecular dynamics simulation shows large volume fluctuations of proteins. Eur Biophys J 29, 472-480 (2000).
- Moritsugu, K., Miyashita, O. & Kidera, A. Vibrational energy transfer in a protein molecule. Phys Rev Lett 85, 3970-3973 (2000).
- Miyashita, O. & Go, N. Reorganization energy of protein electron transfer reaction: Study with structural and frequency signature. J Phys Chem B 104, 7516-7521 (2000).
- Miyashita, O. & Go, N. Pressure dependence of protein electron transfer reactions: Theory and simulation. J Phys Chem B 103, 562-571 (1999).