特別研究員 Yangyang Zhang

2015-2022 | Ph.D. (Biophysics) School of Physics, Nanjing University, China |
2013-2015 | M.S. (Biophysics) School of Physics, Nanjing University, China |
2009-2013 | B.Sc. Physics Department of Intensive Instruction, Kuang Yaming Hornors School, Nanjing University, China |
2024-present | Postdoctoral researcher, RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan |
Multiscale modeling of biomolecule systems, with an emphasis on coarse-grained modeling of enzymes, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), and membrane proteins.PUBLICATIONS
- Self-Effected Allosteric Coupling and Cooperativity in Hypoxic Response Regulation with Disordered Proteins. Bin Wen, Weiwei Zhang, Yangyang Zhang, Hai Lei, Yi Cao, Wenfei Li, and Wei Wang
- Frustration and the Kinetic Repartitioning Mechanism of Substrate Inhibition in Enzyme Catalysis. Yangyang Zhang, Mingchen Chen, Jiajun Lu, Wenfei Li, Wei Wang, and Peter G. Wolynes J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 6792-6801 (2022).
- Coarse-grained Description of Monounsaturated Peroxidized Phospholipid Bilayers. Yangyang Zhang, Donghui Liu, Yiyang Zhang, Yachong Guio, Wenfei Li, and Fabrice Thalmann J. Chem. Phys. 157, 085103 (2022).
- Effect of Ca2+ Binding States of Calmodulin on the Conformational Dynamics and Force Responses of Myosin Lever Arm. Yichao Wu, Yangyang Zhang, Xiulian Xu, and Wei Wang J. Chem. Phys. 157, 035101 (2022).
- Interplay Between Translational Diffusion and Large-Amplitude Angular Jumps of Water Molecules. Chao Liu, Yangyang Zhang, Jian Zhang, Jun Wang, Wenfei Li, Wei Wang J. Chem. Phys. 148, 184502 (2018).
- Critical Fluctuations in the Native State of Proteins. Quanyuan Tang, Yangyang Zhang, Jun Wang, Wei Wang, and Dante R. Chialvo Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 088102 (2017)